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Economics, Mr W Dodgson

If you have any questions you would like to ask Economics please fill in the form below


Economics is the study of how individuals, governments, businesses and other organisations make choices that effect the allocation and distribution of scarce resources.

Frequently asked questions

Is it all about money?

Economics is not just about money. It is about weighing different choices or alternatives. Some of those important choices involve money, but most do not. Most of your daily, monthly, or life choices have nothing to do with money, yet they are still the subject of economics.
Money is important, but only as a tool for trade.

Does it matter if I don’t know anything about Economics?

No, we go through the very basics of Economics to start with so you will soon gain knowledge. However, you need to be interested in the world around you, current affairs and how things work. Prices, businesses, inequality, government actions and politics, employment etc.

Do we learn about investment banking?

We learn about financial markets and the banking system and how they function in the economy, but we do not specifically learn about investment banking.

Do I have to be good at Maths?

At least 20% of the course is required to include a quantitative element so a good understanding of Maths is useful but, the skills required at A-Level are all included in the GCSE Mathematics curriculum – percentages, ratio etc.

What are lessons like?

We send out pre-reading notes prior to the lesson so that you have some prior knowledge for the lessons which helps with it being a new subject. We will then go through the notes with you and give you tasks based on those notes. This means you don’t spend your time scribbling down content in the lesson and instead you discuss content and apply it to different tasks and contexts within the economy

Is there any coursework?

No, there will be 3 exams at the end of your A-level.

Course information leaflet

If you have a specific question about our Virtual Open Days, simply get in touch.

01482 851136
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